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"Unlocking the Potential: Exploring the Future Development of Jurong Lake District White Site"

Jurong Lake District white site map

Strategically located within the heart of JLD, the 6.5-hectare Jurong Lake District White Site l will span\three plots of land between Jurong East MRT Interchange station and the future

Jurong Lake District CRL station, offering a unique opportunity for a distinctive largescale

mixed-use landmark development. With direct access to four MRT lines, the

development will redefine the identity of Jurong Lake District with a critical mass of

new offices, homes and amenities. The development is to be well-designed, featuring

outstanding architecture that can also help achieve JLD’s sustainability and net zero

ambitions. The scale of the site provides the Master Developer with the flexibility to

master plan the site, explore innovative building typologies, curate the mix of uses to

cater to the changing needs of businesses, workers and residents, design a wellintegrated

development (including district-level infrastructure) and realise the project

in phases over the medium-term.

Land Use and Quantum of Jurong Lake District White Site

The Land Parcel is zoned for White use and is envisaged to be developed as an

integrated mixed-use development with a minimum and maximum component of

Office and Residential use respectively, together with complementary and supporting

uses that will contribute towards creating an attractive development and add vibrancy

to the area.

  • The total maximum permissible Gross Floor Area (GFA) is 365,000 sqm and the minimum permissible GFA is 328,500sqm.

  • At least 146,000 sqm of the maximum permissible GFA is to be for Office use.

  • Not more than 166,000 sqm of the maximum permissible GFA for the Development

  • is to be for Residential use, of which a maximum GFA of 146,000 sqm shall be for Condominiums/Flats and a maximum GFA of 20,000 sqm can be for Serviced Apartments.

  • At least 1,200 sqm of the maximum permissible GFA for the Development is to be for

  • Early Childhood Development Centre use.

  • The remaining GFA can be developed for White use, such as additional Office, Hotel, shops and restaurants, entertainment, sports & recreational facilities, and other complementary uses.

Introduction to Jurong Lake District (JLD)

It is a 410-hectare new growth area located in the west of

Singapore. The district is envisioned as the largest mixed-use business district

outside the city centre1, a model for urban sustainability and innovation, and a place

to grow businesses, homes, and communities by Jurong Lake and Jurong Lake

Gardens, our third national gardens. The district will serve as a place to redefine live,

work, play and learn, and an opportunity for companies to build high quality offices,

grow brand-new campuses and scale up easily.

The area around Jurong East MRT Interchange station today comprises a mix of

offices, retail, residential and institutional uses2. By 2028, a new Jurong Region Line

station and an integrated transport hub (comprising offices and retail spaces, a

regional library, community club and sports facilities) will be built next to the station.

To sustain the development momentum in JLD, the vacant land south of Jurong East

MRT interchange station, between Jurong Town Hall Road and Ayer Rajah.

Expressway, will be developed progressively over the next 20 to 30 years for a mix

of offices, housing, retail, hotel, entertainment, and other complementary amenities,

within a car-lite and park-like setting. To support these new developments in the

precinct and to improve connectivity to the rest of the island, two new Jurong Region

Line stations (i.e. Jurong East and Jurong Town Hall stations) and a Cross Island

Line MRT station (i.e. Jurong Lake District station) will be built by 2028 and 2032

respectively. The new precinct will further be connected seamlessly to the existing

commercial centre and Jurong East MRT Interchange station via a new road network

and a series of at-grade, elevated and underground pedestrian links. The new

precinct is zoned ‘White’ which provides greater flexibility for developers to

experiment with new development concepts, typologies, and ways to better integrate

live, work and play, and for companies to locate all their activities and teams in one


Jurong Lake District will be the focus of new office developments in the 10 to 15 years

to support decentralisation and new economic growth, with the Government

prioritising the sale of sites within the district.

Dynamic Ecosystem to Grow Businesses

JLD is situated near more than 3,000 multinational companies clustered in the nearby

International Business Park, Jurong and Tuas Industrial Estates, and Tuas Port.

Companies that take up office spaces in the Land Parcel can tap on the large talent

pool from the many tertiary institutions and research hubs in the vicinity such as

Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, one-north and

the Science Parks. With over a million residents in the West region, companies will

also be able to gain ready access to a large pool of talent and workers, and customers

from the surrounding towns of Clementi, Bukit Batok, Jurong East, Jurong West and


Fast Connections to Major Hubs

JLD is a major transport hub today and well-served by the Ayer Rajah Expressway

(AYE) and Pan-Island Expressway (PIE). JLD also enjoys excellent rail connectivity,

with two new MRT lines, Jurong Region Line and Cross Island Line. Together with

the existing North-South and East-West MRT lines, these four train lines will connect

JLD to our CBD, other major business centres and education hubs in the West and

Central regions within 30 minutes.

The Jurong Region Line will link JLD to academic expertise, R&D and skilled talent

at Nanyang Technological University, Jurong Innovation District and Jurong Industrial

Estate, where many high-value industries are located.

2.3.3 The Cross Island Line will connect to existing and future developments in the

western, central, north-eastern, and eastern corridors, and connect JLD directly to

major hubs such as Changi Airport and Punggol Digital District.

The Land Parcel sits strategically at the confluence of all four MRT lines, with direct

elevated pedestrian connection to the Jurong East MRT Interchange station (3 MRT

lines) and direct underground pedestrian connection to the future Jurong Lake District

Cross Island Line MRT station (1 MRT line).

Convenient City Living in 10 minute Neighbourhoods

JLD will be made up of neighbourhoods where amenities, green spaces and public

transport nodes will be within a 10-minute reach by walking, cycling and public

transport. A comprehensive network of elevated, at-grade and underground

pedestrian links will also be constructed, along with covered walkways/linkways,

connecting all the developments to the public transport nodes. This will allow for

seamless first- and last-mile connectivity and make travelling within, and in and out

of the district convenient and enjoyable.

New and inspiring urban campuses will seamlessly integrate with parks, cafes,

restaurants, attractions, recreation, healthcare and schools, and house businesses

and residential communities where people meet and interact in lushly planted

courtyards, convivial plazas and intimate public spaces.

A District of Gardens and Waterbodies

More than 40% of the district’s land-take is set aside for parks, greenery and

waterbodies, connected to more than 10 kilometres of active waterfront promenade.

JLD’s streets will be lined with canopy trees, forming green corridors that provide

shade while acting as Nature Ways for wildlife. Rain gardens promote climate

resilience by cleansing urban runoff before channelling stormwater to roadside drains

and Jurong Lake. A central green spine will link all neighbourhoods to the edge of

Jurong Lake, drawing in parks and greenery to cool the urban spaces.

Signature Attractions Around Jurong Lake

Unique attractions will surround Jurong Lake, adding to the variety of recreation and

water activities around the lake. Lakeside Garden and Northshore, part of Jurong

Lake Gardens, were opened in 2019 and 2023 respectively. The Chinese and

Japanese Gardens, which are currently under redevelopment, will be completed in

2024. The new Science Centre, when completed around 2027, and a future tourism

development, will line the waterfront with exciting educational, leisure and

entertainment offerings.

Located within the district are two distinctive landmarks.

Jurong Town Hall

is a gazetted National Monument that sits on a hillock. and is symbolic of the success of

Singapore’s industrialisation programme in Jurong.

Science Centre at Jurong Lake

Singapore Science Centre

next to Jurong Lake is a significant place of social memory for all

Singaporeans, especially in the promotion of scientific and technological education.

These two landmarks will be retained and adaptively reused. They could become

centres for co-working, innovation, museums, art studios, theatres, event grounds

and playscapes with open spaces for the community to enjoy. They will also be

physically and visually integrated via a view corridor and public thoroughfare lined

with activity-generating uses, which will also extend through the Land Parcel. The

buildings serve as important anchors to celebrate the district’s history and create a

strong sense of place for the community.

Achieving ‘Net Zero’ Emissions and Towards Zero Waste

As part of Singapore’s national climate ambitions, JLD aims to lead the way by

achieving net zero emissions for new Developments by 2045, ahead of the national

target in 2050.

All new developments (including residential developments) in JLD will be required to

minimally achieve BCA’s Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy (SLE) rating, with

some, if not all, achieving Zero Energy Rating as new technologies and systems

evolve over time. All new Government Land Sales (GLS) developments in JLD,

including the Land Parcel, will also be required to achieve the Maintainability, Whole

Life Carbon and Intelligence Green Mark 2021 Badges, beyond the legislated

minimum requirements. Solar energy deployment will be optimised on all suitable

building surfaces within the district, not only on rooftops and building facades, but

also on vacant land within the district, as a transitory measure to offset the district’s

emissions while the national grid is being decarbonised over time.

All new developments within the area will be served by a District Cooling System

(DCS), an area-wide network where chilled water for air-conditioning is supplied from

one or more centralized chilled water plants through a network of piping to buildings

in the area. The DCS eliminates the need for standalone In-Building Chiller Plants

(IBCP) for individual buildings, reaping benefits such as enhanced energy savings,

lowered lifecycle costs and reduced carbon emissions and lowers the overall Urban

Heat Island effect in the district.

A District Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System (DPWCS) will also be implemented

to enable waste and recycling management to be carried out with reduced

manpower, fewer truck trips, lesser numbers of individual bin centres and contribute

to an overall improvement in urban environmental quality. MSE has given public

notice that future developments in the new precinct south of Jurong Town Hall Road

will be included within a DPWCS area. NEA will separately call for a tender to appoint

a DPWCS operator, and DPWCS requirements for the Land Parcel will be

progressively updated in due course.

The Land Parcel, as the first development to kickstart the next phase of growth in the

new precinct in JLD will integrate and house the DCS Plant and DPWCS Central


Pursuing Sustainable Transport

Jurong Lake District is gazetted as a car-lite area. To achieve our car-lite vision and

to support greener mobility in JLD, at least 85% of all trips are targeted to be made

by Walk-Cycle-Ride modes of transport by 2035. Key roads will be designed as

Transit Priority Corridors, with bus-only usage lanes, wider footpaths and dedicated

cycling paths on both sides of all roads.

Car parking provisions will also be lowered to reduce traffic in the district and create

a people-friendly environment. Pick-up / drop-off locations, service areas and loading

/ unloading bays are located underground to free up the 1st storey for pedestrian use.

Inter-connected basements will allow service vehicles to move between

developments without contributing to street traffic. To encourage the electrification of

private vehicles, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points will be progressively deployed

across the district. The bus fleet serving JLD will run on cleaner fuel, including fully

electric buses that would be deployed on feeder services by 2030.

Enabling Healthy Living & Building a City in Nature

Apart from setting aside more than 100 hectares of land in JLD for parks and green

spaces, all new developments will be required to achieve 100% landscape

replacement, where greenery lost through development will be fully replaced by

vertical greenery, sky terraces and landscaping.

Thermal comfort, wind flow and shade analyses will be conducted at the development

design phase to combat the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, reduce energy

consumption for cooling and create a comfortable indoor and outdoor environment

for occupants.

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